Need EL Residents' Support

The last few months have had East Longmeadow residents mount an effort to defeat Lowe's move to town. Many arguments have been voiced against keeping this giant corporation out of East Longmeadow in order to preserve the town's character and charm.

Preserving what East Longmeadow has, is just as important as preventing what East Longmeadow does not want. The Norcross House is worthy of preservation. It is one of the last structures in the center of town that date back to the mid-19th century.

As the center of town continues its evolution into the 21st century, the process has taken with it many historical structures, most recently the 1900 House and Community Feed.

The goal of the Friends of the Norcross House is simple but multifaceted; restore and preserve a house and garden that was once the home of the Norcross and Feifer families. The Norcross family operated the quarry that sent brownstone to Washington, D.C. to construct the Smithsonian, and to New York City to construct New York University. Diana Feifer was a famous milliner whose hats were seen on the heads of many of the rich and famous.

Preserving the historically important Norcross House will continue to give the town of East Longmeadow a beautiful oasis that will avail townspeople a site that lends itself to many uses for various groups and functions. The establishment of the garden surrounding the house will give to everyone a beautiful park for all to come enjoy.

The Friends of the Norcross need the town to support East Longmeadow's remaining historical structures. The Friends are extending an invitation to come to the Kaleidoscope Art Show. The premier party will be held June 16 at 7 p.m.; tickets are $25 per person. On June 17, general admission is $5 per person, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Several important artists have offered items for a benefit raffle: tickets for the raffle are priced three for $25. Artists donations works include Doug Brega, Art Moses, and a handmade table by Steve Forbush. For information, raffle tickets and tickets to the art show, call M. Swords at 525-1083 or M. Safford at 566-9983.

Mary Swords

East Longmeadow