Date: 12/28/2020
I was wondering why Agawam can’t seem to get a new school. Whether it’s a sorely needed preschool or high school, is it the state not seeing the need or is it a lack of trying? West Springfield and many other surrounding communities have new or newer high schools, and now I read West Springfield is getting a $69 million elementary school.
The surrounding communities seem to be moving forward and Agawam had to fight just for new athletic fields. I have two daughters in the school system here and if it wasn’t for the excellent teachers I would have looked for alternative schools.
My oldest daughter in high school says she is almost glad she is working remotely because the school has multiple problems including: infestations of mice and bugs, the bathrooms are often disgusting with broken fixtures, there are many leaks in the school, and the school is just old and out dated.
To the school’s credit there have been updates to the schools technology – which should happen to keep pace anyways – but can we please talk about getting a proper school around our future’s most valuable asset? What do we as concerned citizens need to do to get what the city needs? Are our local legislators and officials doing all they can or do they not see the need?
West Springfield’s new high school was finished in 2014. However, Agawam and West Springfield’s old high schools were virtually the same age. And, despite what many including myself have assumed, population does not play a role in this. Agawam’s population estimate compared to West Springfield is almost the same.
So what’s going on? I would love to know and maybe hear from someone who could explain this problem better. Hopefully, this issue can get some needed attention.
John Drumm