Date: 6/1/2017
Voters in Longmeadow face three important votes on 13 June that impact the future of Longmeadow. This election is important.
As I see it, we need to send strong candidates on to the school committee and we need to vote a resounding YES on the Department of Public Works (DPW) ballot question.
I have given these questions some serious thought and I would like to share these thoughts with your readers.
The School Committee needs people who will serve the best interests of the students. This was my philosophy throughout my nine years of service on the committee. My motto was and is “Eyes On The Child.”
The School Committee is separate from the Select Board for a reason. The basic reason is that children are the prime constituency of the schools and almost all of the children are not allowed to vote. All other functions of town government are addressed to the voters and they can pass effective judgment on the quality and efficiency of those services. The schools are different. They are labor intensive and thus expensive in terms of personnel. The children need these services and they need trustees to guarantee these services.
Our School Committee needs people who understand these concerns. This is why I am supporting Beth Baron and Kerrin Morrin. These two individuals bring talent, knowledge and concern to the task of service on the school committee.
Beth Baron is a college-educated mother of school age children. She served the town well as the principal driving force behind the campaign for a new high school.
She was the leader of “Lancer Pride.” She brings the same level of energy and commitment to the job of school committee member and champion of students.
Kerrin Morrin is an educational professional with an excellent record of service to the ideas and ideals of public education. As the mother of school aged children, she brings a rare combination of passion and education to the position of school committee member.
Beth and Kerrin care about the future of public education. They will both work hard to maintain the tradition of success of the Longmeadow Public Schools. Please consider supporting them.
There is a ballot question on our agenda for 13 June. It concerns the DPW building project.
I urge you to vote YES on this question for the following reasons:
We need to provide a modern and efficient facility for the Department of Public Works that will improve their capacity to deliver services to our town.
The new building’s proposed location is the best that we can provide to our town within the limits of available and desirable sites.
This new building will provide protection for equipment and thus prolong the life period of that equipment.
The present location is inadequate and more reminiscent of a junk yard than a public service center.
If we vote NO, then we will face this question again next year at a greater cost due to inflation.
These are my thoughts on the candidates and questions of 13 June. Please consider them, but more importantly vote your conscience and your faith for the future of Longmeadow on Election Day.
John J. Fitzgerald