Pipeline awareness group does not support health and safety risks

Date: 8/7/2019

In the July 25-31 issue of The Reminder, I read with interest the reasons given by Longmeadow Select Board members for their votes regarding the Town’s use of Chapter 61B rights.

When discussing his decision, Select Board member Tom Lachiusa based his support for the proposed Tennessee Gas metering station with Longmeadow’s need to “to replace all the cast iron pipe” with steel. 

I’m writing to inform Mr. Lachiusa—and the community at large—that replacing leaking cast iron pipes with stainless steel pipes can occur without the construction of a meter station.  In fact, the use of steel pipe is permitted right now within the parameters of the current system.

Rather than allowing steel replacement pipe, the proposed meter station will actually allow Columbia Gas to install a 200 psi high-pressure pipe up Shaker and Laurel Streets so that the company can push gas north in order to expand its market.

Since our inception, the Longmeadow Pipeline Awareness Group has called for the repair and replacement of leaking pipes.  What we don’t support is exposing our community to the health and safety risks inherent in unnecessary pipeline expansion.

Michele Marantz
Chair of Longmeadow Pipeline Awareness Group