Date: 1/2/2020
When you consider the money spent by our national, state and local governments, to pay, not only their elected officials, but also the employees of their staffs, agencies, including all of the welfare agencies etc. and their staffs, and all of the armed services, Who is providing the money to pay all of these people?
I think and when you think about it you will also agree that it is the private employers and their employees and the self employed who are providing the tax money to pay for everything our federal, state and local governments provide. Government employees will say that they also pay taxes, but they only pay back some of the money they receive from the government and being unionized and can bargain for more money, just like the private employees can. The only ones who can’t are the private employers their non-union employees and the self employed.
Why am I pointing out the obvious? Because our private employers are irreplaceable. If we continue losing them to other countries, we lose their tax dollars as well as the tax dollars of their employees. That is why it is in our interest to make our private employers business climate as good or better than it is in other countries. Tariffs are an attempt to do this. Lowering the corporate tax rate is another. Both done in the present administration.
We, as a country, can not afford to continue to give extravagantly to those who are not in need and are gaming the system as well as illegals who come into our country to live on the taxpayer’s dollar.
Government can only give to the electorate what it takes in taxes and when there are less businesses to take from there will be less to give until there are none.
Donald Flannery