Date: 10/18/2018
Is there anyone who was surprised by the outcome of the Kavanaugh fiasco? I remain convinced that this all started when the almighty leadership of the Republican Party refused to even meet with the judge recommended by President Obama. I cannot be surprised by any of the antics of Mitch McConnell or Chuck Grassley, both of whose commitment to doing what is best for America as opposed to what is in their own personal interests is all too clear. There was no need to tie up so much time with these hearings. The table was set when King Donald picked someone in his own image – an alleged misogynist with an exceptional talent for avoiding the truth. To think that Kavanaugh was the best qualified person available is frightening, if one believes that he truly was the best candidate. It is my hope that men and women – especially women – will remember this day in history when they go to the ballot boxes and think about which individuals and which party treated them like second class citizens once again. The comments made by Sen. Collins simply confirmed the concept that allegiance to the party was far more important than allegiance to the people she supposedly represents. Men need to support the women of this country by voting with them to remove people such as Sen. Collins who clearly threw women "under the bus" in this shameful process.
Allen G. Zippin