Shocked and disgusted

Date: 2/3/2021

As I drove down the western end of Maple Street yesterday, I was shocked and disgusted to see a homeowner flying our American flag upside down. I will not give the address, but anyone who travels the road frequently will know which house I’m referring to. The homeowners frequently display flags and signs supporting a very conservative outlook.

I fully support this family’s right to free speech, including the right to (properly) fly any flag or display any sign of their choosing.  As a military veteran, however, I condemn their abuse of our American flag and call for them to stop this vulgar display immediately.   

The U.S. flag code states “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” I sincerely doubt that these homeowners found themselves in extreme danger. If they were, it would be much smarter and faster to simply dial 911. I can only assume that their action is some kind of protest against the election of President Biden.

To the homeowner I have this to say: You are not a patriot, you are an extremist. Patriots do not disrespect their own flag, or storm their own capitol building and threaten their representatives in congress because they don’t like the outcome of an election. Grow up and act like an adult, and like an American.

Ed Thibodeau
East Longmeadow