Should the government try to control women?

Date: 5/25/2022

The desire on the part of some narrow-minded people to overturn this legislation sends me two messages which are: An attack on the personal and private decisions women should make about their own bodies and a lack of interest in providing caring, safe and committed families for the children.
Where is there an option for the government to become involved in the private lives of women?

I have two suggestions for those Supreme Court Justices, members of Congress, governors, etc. who are so hungry to dispose of Roe v. Wade.
First and foremost I believe that the people who are determined to take away the right of women regarding their own bodies should publicize their home addresses with a written commitment to provide homes for the children who are born as the result of rape, incest, etc. This would provide me with a some limited belief that those people actually have an interest in the hands-on upbringing of such children for whom being born was without any options for their care.

Secondly, decisions about abortion should be left totally in the hands of the women and their doctors. Congress, the Supreme Court and politicians in general should stay focused on why they are in those positions rather than using their pompous attitudes for this discussion. Try to take care of our country which is why you are in the positions that you currently have.

Allen G. Zippin