Date: 11/12/2015
As a registered representative working for brokerage houses and banks for the past 33 years, I understand the factors that make for a good investment. Senate 1747, An Act Combating Climate Change, calls for a fair carbon fee and is just such an investment for the residents of Massachusetts.
Based on legislation passed in British Columbia in 2007, this Act will have a positive impact on our state's businesses and households while significantly reducing our carbon consumption. British Columbia's economy has flourished due to its fair carbon law, and its carbon consumption has declined by 16 percent. I see no reason why Massachusetts would fare differently.
A decline in our carbon consumption will result in more money remaining in Massachusetts, not subsidizing the economies of foreign countries and other states. Our economy will be strengthened as we grow our green energy alternatives in the wind, geothermal, and solar industries.
I urge you to contact your state senator and representative and express your support for this important legislation. I can think of no better investment for the state I live in, the profession I practice, and most importantly
Steven Marantz