Gambling: The Curse of The Working Class

Jay Gould, the Wall Street robber baron, once said that he could pay half the working people to lock up the other half.

Casinos are a way to get half the working people to fleece the other half. Rich people don't have to gamble. They have a sure thing in our corrupt economic system. That's why five percent of our population has more money than the other 95 percent the working people. A country in which five percent have half the wealth is not a democracy.

This year's "free election" for President is a chance to choose between the seven stooges of the rich.

When you hear a candidate promising price controls and a $2 million limit on personal wealth, then you'll have a horse in the race.

Memo to Springfield Traffic Bureau: In Amherst they have the pleasant sounds of a songbird to signal it's safe to cross the street. In Springfield we have the unpleasant sound of a rhino letting one fly.

Attention Bing Theater management: You've had four six-foot signs in your front window thanking a certain state representative for a state grant for over a year now. Shouldn't it read "thank you taxpayers?"

Don't our state representatives get thanked every two weeks by check? Who paid for those political ads?

John Harrigan
