Date: 5/20/2016
The Reminder gave coverage of the Longmeadow Town Meeting from May 10, but truly failed to convey the sentiments of the voters protecting the town park land. Article 32 passed overwhelmingly in favor of protecting Wolf Swamp Fields. There were many speakers passionately speaking to Save the Wolf Swamp fields. You gave coverage of only the Town Manager’s viewpoint that clearly is not shared with the voters.
One speaker mentioned that the original request for funding at the fall 2015 town meeting did not inform the voters that the land is protected by deed as recreation and conservation land. If the voters had been properly informed of the protection they would not have voted for that article.
There have been petitions and letters to the various town boards against developing the fields.
Longmeadow’s Open Space Plan filed with the State Executive Office of Environmental Affairs stated that the Wolf Swamp fields are legally protected in perpetuity and recorded as such in the deed.
The land is classified as 97A land in the state of Massachusetts. The town would have to vote 2/3 in favor in order for this land to be converted to commercial use. Article 32 that was passed by a huge margin clearly shows the town has no desire to develop this protected land. This was a grass roots citizen campaign to save the fields for future generations, it was barely mentioned in your coverage of the town meeting.
The voters also denied funding to develop Turner Park. Cleary the voters of Longmeadow showed the value of our parks and the desire to keep them forever protected. In this era of urban sprawl, the town residents stood up for protecting our natural resources, once developed they will be lost forever.
Moira Murphy