Date: 1/21/2021
Trump has deeply wounded our democracy and our nation. Some Republicans say we should not impeach him but rather let him leave office and let the nation heal. Not possible. This wound is so severe that we cannot ever heal unless we open the wound and remove the infection.
The 74 million Americans who voted for Trump must be shown that it was a fair election that Trump lost. All the subsequent Trump rhetoric were lies and they were duped. As the FBI finds them and they are charged and sentenced they have to know that it was for nothing. Trump betrayed them. He set them up and then watched with fascination as it unfolded on TV. He refused to call in the National Guard for four hours because he was enjoying it so much. They will be paying a price for acting on Trump’s behalf. Trump should not walk away unscathed.
The 81 million that voted for Biden must see that the rule of law is preserved as no one is above the law. If Trump gets away with this offense, these 81 million will never be ready to move on. The Constitution must be upheld first. Then the healing can begin. If this is not done we will never be able to get past this point.
Trump committed many impeachable offenses. Consider the horrendous lies about the virus, and the brutal action taken against peaceful BLM protestors in Portland, Oregon and Lafayette Square in D.C. Consider how he used his office to enrich himself and his family by having military personnel stay at his resort instead of the base and having foreign dignitaries stay at Trump Tower, his calls to get foreign assistance with the election as well as his efforts to overturn the election are just a few examples. Republicans looked the other way because they thought they would inherit his base at some point for their future careers. This latest offense, the attack on the US Capitol to stop the verification of the electoral votes of the states, was so egregious that it cannot be ignored. Congress must impeach and convict to restore the Constitution as our founding document.
Malita Brown