Trump fills third party void

Date: 5/12/2016

Speaker of the House Ryan may have a rude awakening in his meeting with Donald Trump later this week. Mr. Trump should try to explain to Speaker Ryan one more time that the voters don’t want the old guard party leadership any longer.  Nor do they want or need a third party.

Mr. Trump’s sometimes left, sometimes right, sometimes in the middle rhetoric fills that third party void. It is still the Republican Party, but will be refreshingly different as it listens and responds to the concerns of the U.S. citizens with positive actions rather than unfulfilled promises and bigger government.  

True leadership vision for and action by government has been missing for far too long. The nation is screaming for change, and it is refreshing that someone is finally listening.

Mr. Speaker should embrace Mr. Trump’s vision. Speaker Ryan hasn’t proven to be a leader and if he continues to refuse to follow, it’s time to get out of the way. The conversation should be short. “Mr. Speaker, come aboard the express train, or be left standing on your rapidly disintegrating strictly conservative platform.” Those who do buy in to his ticket will also be left behind by voters.

Jim Raschilla