Voting for Harrington

Date: 11/4/2016

It was very interesting when I watched state Sen. Eric Lesser on a very well publicized statewide tour earlier this year speaking to the importance of engaging “millennials” and involving them in the political process.

He states, “The idea is to bring them into the process.”

If my memory and MassLive archives serve me correctly; Sen. Lesser having not even served a year in office got involved in a Springfield Ward 5 City Council race where he endorsed Clodo Concepcion; a long-time politician who was 84 years old.

The same Concepcion who voted against common sense pawn shop legislation that has since passed and saved people's belongings stolen from them.

The same Concepcion who was called the most “pro-establishment ward councilor in Springfield.” by the liberal blog Western Mass Politics & Insight.

The same Concepcion who is so out of touch with this day and age that he famously asked a fellow councilor who was proposing the no cost creation and use of a Facebook page for the City Council to move them into the 21st Century “How much it will cost?”

This endorsement is significant for multiple reasons; rarely do state legislators get involved in a local race in a ward in Springfield. Especially a freshman senator from Longmeadow in a Springfield race.

And most importantly; he endorsed this octogenarian over his opponent and now City Councilor Marcus Williams who was 26 year-old and is a millennial. Marcus has worked for multiple nonprofits and has been involved in progressive politics that are very much in line with Lesser’s politics.  Marcus is exactly the type of millennial that Eric wants to get involved in the process; yet when a millennial did choose to get involved; Sen. Lesser endorsed his 84 year-old opponent for political reasons most likely because Clodo was a Sarno disciple and he wanted to curry favor with the mayor.

This is sadly another example of an establishment, insider, hypocritical politician making choices based off of politics instead of what is truly right.  He was on the road talking the talk about involving millennials but in this case he clearly did not walk the walk.

I will be supporting his opponent Chip Harrington for State Senate; as I trust Chip to do what is right for the district and not just what is right for himself.

Kency Gilet