Billboard doesn't help discussion
By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor
When I take time off I very seldom read a local newspaper or watch a newscast in order to truly take a break. There was much awaiting my return to the "real" world, though.
Just what is the responsibility of legislators? Is it to develop consensus of his or her constituency and vote accordingly or is it to follow his or her own conscience? Are they allowed to change their minds on topics? Or are the rank and file members simply tools of the House and Senate leadership?
That's the bigger issue swirling around the erection of a billboard in Springfield that compares State Rep. Angelo Puppolo with Benedict Arnold and Judas for Puppolo's changing of his vote on the same sex marriage issue.
For political junkies, the billboard is the kind of over-the-top stunt we rarely see in our area.
Now the General Court of the Commonwealth has shown its distain for the will of the voters in the past its over-turning a passed ballot question on lowering the income tax is a classic example.
Mike Franco, the local Republican activist who has challenged Puppolo, sent a letter to the media that read in part: "The theme of the billboard is 'dead on.' Puppolo did betray marriage like others to include former state Senator Brian Lees, and at least five active legislative Republicans (i.e., Knapik, Tisei, Tarr, Ross & Loscocco). And, social conservatives expect more from Republicans on the traditional family value issues."
Personally, I support same sex marriage and I don't see how having same sex marriage has affected the quality of life in the state, so I differ with Franco on this issue. What I am willing to discuss is how any legislator arrives on a position on any issue. That's the topic that transcends the current politics. Whether a mean-spirited billboard actually spurs such a dialogue is doubtful, though.
OK, it's a free country and if someone wants a job elsewhere, that's the American way. God bless you.
But as far as School Superintendent Joe Burke and Police Commissioner Ed Flynn go please don't let the door hit you on the backside on your way out.
Harsh? Perhaps, but Springfield needs committed people in the School and Police Departments. Flynn signed a five-year contract and now only 19 months into it he is a finalist for the top cop job in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
And Burke seems to apply for every job he can back in his native Florida.
Now the city of beer and brats is a good bit larger than Springfield, so I'm sure this is a positive career move for Flynn if he gets the job.
If he doesn't, though, what kind of message does that send? Is Springfield just a stepping stone?
Some people have told me they are impressed with Flynn. Others have been deeply critical. I've been willing to cut him considerable slack as he re-organizes the Department.
Now I'm just a little disappointed that Flynn is bailing on the city.
I scraped my house on my recent week off and did other life maintenance things, but I did take a day off just for me.
I got together with my friends Steve Bissette and Joe Citro for a manly, but magical, mystery tour in Vermont.
My buddy Joe is one of the nation's experts on the strange and unexplained and has been writing about New England ghosts, monsters, and legends for years. His latest book is "Weird New England" available at Barnes and Noble bookstores in New England or on the web at
Part of the day was spent in South Royalton and one of the places Joe described in his book (written with Diane E. Foulds) "Curious New England." Throughout our region there are stone structures that were not made by the colonists nor the native people who lived here. I've been to the best known of these structures, "America's Stonehenge" in New Hampshire, and it was impressive.
Equally impressive was the stone chamber that Joe led us to that was on property adjacent to the Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial. Smith is the man who founded the Mormon faith.
The structure is in a strip of woods that creates an informal border between two properties. When approaching it, it appears to be a knoll in the woods and would be easy to pass by. However, the chamber is clearly apparent from the side with its entrance.
Featuring incredible mortar-free workmanship, the chamber was absolutely clean. There were no signs of vandalism. No footprints could be seen. Animals had not made this place a regular den. There was no layer of leaves; just a few scattered ones. There were not even spider webs.
The only object in the chamber was a single crow feather centered on the floor.
It was fascinating, and Joe said there were seven more of these structures all within a mile or so.
I would hate to be like many of the younger people I know whose smug, dismissive view of the world prevents amazement.
This column represents the opinions of its author. Send your comments online to or to 280 N. Main St., East Longmeadow, Mass. 01028.