Could any governor lower taxes?
By G. Michael Dobbs
Managing Editor
Well, the gubernatorial race has now entered its final frenzied phase and it has the potential of becoming more strident as we get close to election day.
Here are some points to ponder:
No governor is going to lower the income tax to five percent without the Legislature being on board and there is no indication that is going to happen any time soon.
Should the Legislature have over-turned the referendum results that would have lowered the tax? No. That was a blatantly unethical power grab.
If citizens want to lower the income tax, they need to change the members of the House and Senate.
The claim that taxes will be lowered should be taken right off of the table.
Why does Kerry Healey avoid western Massachusetts? Before the primary it appeared that her running mate Reed Hillman was the designated western Massachusetts guy. Now, both candidates seem to stick to the eastern part of the state.
Perhaps Healey believes the four western counties will go to Deval Patrick regardless of her campaign effort. In the last election many municipalities here voted for Mitt Romney instead of Shannon O'Brien, so that logic really doesn't stand up.
Instead one might be tempted to read the tea leaves and assume this is what bodes for us out here in the hinterlands if Healey is elected.
How much does someone's record of accomplishments count in an election such as this one? If Healey is proud of her record as lieutenant governor, could she please explain what it is? I'm not being a wise guy here, but just what has she personally done? Increased fees instead of taxes, perhaps?
Speaking of records I've been wondering why the Mittster hasn't been on the stump for her. Granted he has been very busy preparing his run for the presidency. "The Boston Globe" reported on June 21 that "in fiscal 2005, which ended June 30, 2005, Romney took 61 out-of-state trips that entailed security expenses. In the first 11 months of fiscal 2006, which ends June 30, Romney took 56 out-of-state trips with security. The security costs for the trips range from $400 to as much $6,826."
That's your tax dollars at work, my friends.
It's a sad state of affairs here in the Bay State when the fiscally conservative Republican governor spends so much of tax payer time and money pursuing his next political goals. No wonder he doesn't have time to support his possible successor.
This column represents the opinions of its author. Send your comments to or to 280 N. Main St., East Longmeadow, MA 01028.