This past year, you undoubted noticed in many of our editions some great original cartoons and graphics gracing our front page, including last week's New Year's message. This is the handiwork of Leo Pilares, one of the fine graphic artists here at Reminder Publications.
Leo is a real talent and all of us in the News Department love working with him.
And if you go on the paper's Web site and you should you might have noticed animations that frequently illustrate this column there. Graphic artist Leigh Catchepaugh does these.
Leigh manages to put my face into and onto some interesting representations of my column. They are routinely funny, despite the fact he only has one photo of me with which to work!
I tip my really ugly, but warm, winter hat to both of you. Thanks.
This column represents the opinions of its author. Send your comments to or to 280 N. Main St., East Longmeadow, Mass. 01028.