From Adversity Many Find Strength
Date: 11/7/2005
Label him "too stupid to learn,"
and you have a Thomas Edison
Make him a "hopeless" alcoholic, and you have
Bill Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Tell her she's too old to start painting at 80,
and you have a Grandma Moses.
Afflict him with periods of depression so severe
that he cut off his own ear, and you have a Vincent Van Gogh.
Max Cleland, who lost both legs and an arm in Vietnam and formerly headed the Veterans Administration in Washington, D.C. He is now serving as a Democratic U.S. senator from Georgia.
Patricia Neal, the fine actress who suffered a severe stroke, but rehabilitated herself against overwhelming odds.
Blind him at age 44, and you have John Milton,
who, 16 years later, wrote "Paradise Lost."
Chris & Dan
Hope-filled Co-Publishers
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