From Adversity Many Find Strength - Part 3 of 4
Date: 11/14/2005
Have him born of parents who survived a Nazi concentration camp, paralyze him from the waist down when he is 4, and you have the incomparable concert violinist Itzhak Perlman.
Call a slow learner "retarded" and write him off as ineducable, and you have an Albert Einstein.
Have a thalidomide child born with a dwarfed, twisted body without arms, and you have a Terry Wiles, who, with the aid of mechanical devices, learned to play the electric organ, steer a motorboat and paint.
Amputate the cancer-ridden leg of a handsome young Canadian, and you have a Terry Fox, who vowed to run on one leg across the whole of Canada to raise a million dollars for cancer research. (Terry was forced to quit halfway when cancer invaded his lungs, but managed
to raise about $20 million.)
Let a British fighter pilot who lost both legs in an air crash fly again with the RAF, and you have a Douglas Bader, who, with two artificial limbs, was captured by the Germans three times during World War II - and escaped three times.
Blind him, and you have a Ray Charles, George Shearing, Stevie Wonder, Tom Sullivan, Alec Templeton or Hal Krents.
Chris & Dan
Motivating Co-Publishers
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