From Adversity Many Find Strength
Date: 11/28/2005
Part 4 of 4
Call him dull and hopeless and flunk him in the sixth grade, and you have a Winston Churchill.
Punish her with poverty and prejudice, and she may survive to become another Golda Meir.
Pit her against sexual discrimination, and you have
a Madame Curie.
Tell a young boy who loved to sketch and draw that he has no talent, and you have Walt Disney.
Take a crippled child whose only home he
ever knew was an orphanage, and you have a
James E. West, who became the first chief executive of the Boy Scouts of America.
Rate him as "mediocre" in chemistry, and you have
a Louis Pasteur.
Deny a child the ability to see, hear and speak,
and you have a Helen Keller.
Make him a second fiddle in an obscure South American orchestra, and you have a Toscanini.
Chris & Dan
Talented Co-Publishers
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