Planning for Work, Planning for Home, Planning for Life
Date: 1/8/2007
Some people believe that planning is merely deciding what to
do in the future. However, a better definition of planning is
deciding what you have to do in order to have a future.
The problem is that planning takes time and patience...two things that are sometimes hard to come by when running a family,
a company, or your life. Planning cannot be done at 90 miles per hour - that's called reacting. To plan appropriately you need to invest time, energy, and lots of thought.
The best advice we can give you (our faithful readers) is that
no matter what you are planning for, plan on having fun while
you are at it. Enjoy the journey. Life is too short, so don't forget
to add a little humor, take time to smile at the people closest to you. Tell 'em "Chris & Dan sent you."
See you next week,
Chris & Dan,
Grateful Co-Publishers
P.S. We are grateful to the many readers and advertisers
of our publications. Thank you for allowing us to enter
your lives week after week since 1962. We appreciate
your patronage.