Resolution for the New Year
Date: 1/9/2006
Resolution for the New Year for Moms and Dads: 10 tips to help parents build stronger relationships with their childrenThe Children's Trust Fund (CTF) knows that being a parent is often a stressful job and offers ten New Year resolutions to help parents lead, guide and teach their children in 2006.
Resolve to:
1. Spend more time with your children.
2. Show affection to your children.
3. Discipline with love.
4. Keep promises you make to your children.
5. Be in touch with your emotions and to express them to others in a healthy way.
6. Be a better listener.
7. Take the best possible care of your children.
8. Get involved in your children's education.
9. Be a good teacher and a positive role model.
10. Make connections with other parents.
Chris & Dan
Caring Co-Publishers
P.S. From the staff at CTF and Reminder Publications, we wish your family and you a healthy and happy 2006.