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The 13 Characteristics of Successful People

Date: 7/28/2006

by Jeffrey J. Mayer, (Part 2 of 3)

Remember: Success begins with a state of mind.

You must believe you'll be successful in order to become a success.

The following is a list of the skills, talents and characteristics

you'll find in successful people:

5. Successful People Learn How to Get Things Done.

They use their skills, talents, energies, and knowledge to the fullest extent possible.

They do the things that need to be done, not just the things they like to do.

They are willing to work hard and to commit themselves to getting the job done.

Remember: Happiness is found in doing and accomplishing, not in owning and possessing.

Anecdote: Many years ago I was asked: "Jeff, do you like pleasing habits or pleasing results?"

As I pondered that probing question, and squirmed in my chair like a worm at the end of a hook,

I felt as if I had painted myself into a corner. A few moments later I answered: "I like pleasing results." From that moment on my life changed. I began to do the things that were difficult, because they enabled me to achieve my goals.

6. Successful People Take Responsibility for Their Actions.

They don't make excuses. They don't blame others. They don't whine and complain.

7. Successful People Look for Solutions to Problems.

They're opportunity minded. When they see opportunities they take advantage of them.

8. Successful People Make Decisions. They think about the issues

and relevant facts, give them adequate deliberation and consideration,

and make a decision. Decisions aren't put off or delayed, they're made now!

Success Tip: Spend more time thinking and planning before you make

your decision, and you'll make better decisions.

Success Tip: When you don't get the expected results from

the decision you've made, change your course of action.

Decisions should never be carved in stone.

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