Date: 9/29/2020
I have to admit: writing an opinion column on a regular basis is a challenge for me.
Every time I think of a potentially hot–button topic of our times, and I think to myself “I should write a column on that,” I typically talk myself out of it. Why?
It seems to me like respect for fellow humans has gone out of the window.
What happened to “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?” Or what about the golden rule – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?”
Opinions are like...well, everyone knows how that saying goes.
I might not agree with your opinion – I may even vehemently disagree with your opinion – but I’m not going to be rude to you for it. Why?
I don’t really think it’ll be worth it in the end. If we’re discussing an issue in person, I’ll let you know where I stand in a respectful manner – but I won’t condemn you for your differing view. It’s statistically unlikely that someone’s opinion will change just based on one person sharing their differing viewpoint – especially if that differing viewpoint is made in a negative discord.
If I’m reading something online that someone has posted and I disagree with their opinion, I’ll do one of two things: if I know them well, I might write a comment respectfully sharing my opinion without throwing in accusations – or two, (which I do more often than not) I’ll simply move on, and scroll past the comments, because fighting an internet battle is not something I’m interested in or frankly have time for.
I’m not saying conversations shouldn’t be had and respectful discussion shouldn’t occur about whatever the issue is – that is how people learn. Knowledge is power, and these types of discussions often can expand peoples views or at least help them understand one another more. That human connection is so important.
What I am saying should stop is the constant hate comments and downright rude discourse I see on social media or in the comment sections of articles. I get it – there are so many issues going on in the world that people are passionate about, and rightfully so. But where did that lack of empathy, that pause to put yourself in other peoples shoes, go?
I shy away from writing about hot–button topics in opinion pieces because of this reason. The comments that writers receive are sometimes next–level. For example, a few of my fellow editors have recently written columns expressing their opinions – I repeat – THEIR OPINIONS – in the paper. Both of them made it clear that this was how they personally felt about the issue, not the feeling of all of the writers or the newspaper group or anything like that. Next thing you know, our newspaper is receiving comments from people claiming we’re this, that, and the other thing – all really rude, negative comments.
I get it – it’s part of our jobs here to share our opinions and when we do so, it’s also part of our jobs to take the criticism and the compliments in stride. I can handle it – but I often wonder if some of the comments that are made to us via the internet would be said to our faces when having polite conversation.
I also understand this – we’re not all going to agree. I accept that – I think differing opinions are so important. It’s what makes the world go round. The world isn’t bursting with colorful flowers, hearts, and sunshine, and rainbows aren’t all over the place as unicorns fly through the sky.
But man, where is the empathy?