In the summer of 1990 The Stadium Lounge established a scholarship fund in the name of their cherished friend and employee Clark Pino, whose sudden passing deeply saddened everyone who knew him. The golf tournament held in Clark's' honor have raised over $50,000 for the scholarship fund. To ensure the continuance of these scholarship awards, the committee announced the 17th annual Clark Pino Memorial Golf Tournament will take place July 10 at The Hampden Country Club. In an effort to raise funds, we are again seeking sponsors who would be willing to contribute $75 to have a sign placed on the green/tee they sponsor. In addition, each sponsor will be acknowledged and publicly thanked in an ad in Reminder Publications' newspapers. The tournament is a four (4)-man scramble event with a 12:30 p.m. shotgun start; lunch 11:30 a.m. Apart from the sponsorship, for $75 you will receive lunch, green fees, cart, prizes and dinner to follow at The Hampden Country Club. A complete foursome is recommended but certainly not necessary for you to participate. |