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Podcasts offer variety of topics for your listening pleasure

Date: 3/31/2020

Having grown up as an ardent radio listener, I have to say that podcasts fill in and expand on the kind of radio I enjoy: inventive, creative spoken word presented by interesting people.

In this time of emergency, I’m assuming most people who have been forced to stay home will discover the vast wasteland that is daytime television. What is it with all of the shows featuring “judges,” anyway?

Podcasts offer a staggering variety of subject matter and presentations and this is a perfect time to discover a few that just might become a listening habit even after the virus has passed. And they are convenient, as they sit on the web ready to enjoy when you are.

I’d like to share some of my favorites and then some suggested by friends on Facebook.

• Pint O’Comics: Jon Johnson and John Amenta discuss Comic books, movies and other aspects of pop culture with both affection and expertise. The guys know their stuff and listening to them is a pleasure.

• Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast: The great comic and sometimes actor Gilbert Gottfried and his co-host writer Frank Santopadre welcome amazing guests for 90 minute conversations about show business. Funny, insightful and sometimes not safe for work, this podcast is a regular for me. If you love inside stories about the entertainment business, this is a must.

• WTF: Comedian and actor Marc Maron brings his slightly skewed perspective life to this long-running show. How good an interviewer is Maron? He made the news when President Barak Obama appeared on the show in 2015. Again there is language that may not be safe for work without ear buds or headphones.

• Mobituaries: Last year, CBS “Sunday Morning” correspondent Mo Rocca started a podcast – and wrote a book – looking back at both celebrities and interesting events. There is a series of new podcasts with the most recent about the life of Chinese-American actress Anna May Wong. Rocca’s work is both compelling and habit-forming and several of my Facebook friends recommended it as well.

• Pioneer Valley Radio: Michael Harrison, the publisher of “Talkers,” the bible of the radio talk show industry, started this website with a variety “radio on demand” programs all centered on life in the Pioneer Valley.

• “Cranky Old Men at the Movies” is another locally produced podcast – recently featured in Reminder Publishing – with three older men all with strong opinions about movies.

• “A Different Leaf,” the new locally produced magazine on cannabis culture and business, now has a podcast at

And now for some recommendations from readers:
• “The Rewatchables:” “I enjoy The Rewatchables. They re-watch and break down ‘classic’ movies. Some of them are really interesting.” The podcast’s own description is “’The Rewatchables,' a film podcast from the Ringer Podcast Network, features HBO and The Ringer’s Bill Simmons and a roundtable of people from The Ringer universe discussing movies they can’t seem to stop watching.”

• “My Brother, My Brother and Me;” “I’m not a podcast listener (beyond ‘Selected Shorts’) but a hip teen I know introduced me to this, which is stupid fun.” The podcast is self-described as a “lifestyle experience.” The podcast is part of a large network of podcasts available through that is clearly worth exploring.

• “Sawbones;” “A show about medical history.” The show describes itself as “’Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine’ is a weekly, comedic medical podcast hosted by Dr. Sydnee McElroy and her husband, podcaster Justin McElroy. The show is distributed online by Maximum Fun. In each episode, Sydnee discusses an element of historical medical practice, while Justin provides a comedic foil.”

• “Movie Signs with the Mads:” If you a “Mystery Science Theater 3000” fan, this is a podcast for you as Join Frank Conniff (MST3K), Trace Beaulieu (MST3K), and Carolina Hidalgo (Sirius Radio) discuss bad movies. It’s available through Spotify.

• “The Memory Palace:” “NEVER a bad episode. Each is short. History. I love it so much. I hoard them to be able to binge them.” The self-description is “The Memory Palace is a storytelling podcast and occasional radio segment created and produced Nate DiMeo in 2008. It was a finalist for a Peabody Award in 2016. It is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a collective of independent podcasts.”

• “99% Invisible:” Another recommended podcast with this description, “Ever wonder how inflatable men came to be regular fixtures at used car lots? Curious about the origin of the fortune cookie? Want to know why Sigmund Freud opted for a couch over an armchair? 99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about – the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world. With over 400 million downloads, 99% Invisible is one of the most popular podcasts on iTunes and is available on RadioPublic, via RSS and through other apps.”