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Nominees: Western Massachusetts voters are just as important as those east of Worcester

Date: 3/13/2013

By G. Michael Dobbs

Road maps are available

A note to Michael Sullivan and Daniel Winslow: Gentlemen, I applaud the fact the Republicans now have three candidates for the Senate, all of whom seem to be actually credible. As a life-long Democrat, I will admit I'm willing to vote for a Republican if that person is the best candidate.

Having said that, if you want to actually consider your candidacy as a voter rather than a news guy, I would strongly suggest you actually campaign in the western part of the state. There's a novel idea.

Gabriel Gomez at least had the courtesy of making his announcement in various parts of the state; something that makes political sense if your intent is to be the senator for the entire Commonwealth.

I'm happy there is apparently one debate slated here between the Republican candidates on March 28 in Springfield. I have no further details at this time, but will share them as soon as I'm told.

Still I'd like to see more of these candidates and I hope they will be here often – along with their Democratic counterparts. Our votes do matter as much as those cast east of Worcester.

Who wants to be mayor?

With the announcement that Mayor Michael Bissonnette and Alex Morse will be running for re-election, the question will be how many possible opponents will they face?

Jim Santiago has announced his intentions to face Morse, but so far no one is talking about running against Bissonnette.

Considering the rancor frequently demonstrated by members of Chicopee City Council, I would imagine there should be at least several contenders from that body yearning to unseat Bissonnette.

Of course, it's still early, but an opponent to that incumbent would have to start now in order to raise the necessary money and to assemble the volunteers.

Who will it be? What are your predictions, Chicopee readers?

Spin cycle

I'm looking forward to seeing how The Republican spins or minimizes the MGM presentation on traffic and how the Penn National proposal will be superior. Just remember folks, the Flying Buendo Brothers have NOT made a real estate deal with any casino developer, unlike our print competitors – not yet at least.

Rand Paul's moment in the bipartisan sun

The idea the federal government could use drone aircraft domestically in actions taken against American citizens is, of course, repugnant to me. So, I guess I should feel all warm and cozy about Sen. Rand Paul's filibuster over the issue.

Plenty of liberal/progressives have saluted the man since this issue cut across party lines. I will give him credit for making administration be clear on this issue. Before all of us begin sending contributions, though, I think Paul's stand is the political equivalent of a broken clock, which is right twice a day.

Paul may be a libertarian who rallies against the government retreating from the private and business life of Americans, but he believes the government should dictate whether or not a woman can have an abortion. Right now, the decision is left to the woman. If his "personhood law" were ever passed it would end legal abortions.

Again, as a libertarian one might think he wouldn't want the government to meddle in the relationships of consenting adults, but he is against same sex marriages.

So the government dictating elements of a person's private life is OK in some instances, but not in others?

Agree? Disagree? Drop me a line at or at 280 N. Main St., East Longmeadow, MA 01028. As always, this column represents the opinion of its author and not the publishers or advertisers of this newspaper.