Labor secretary to join workforce panel

Date: 2/14/2011

HOLYOKE — Massachusetts Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Joanna Goldstein will be part of a six-state workforce panel at the fifth annual New England Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) Con-ference on March 3 from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the College of the Holy Cross, Hogan Conference Center, Worcester.

The panel will discuss states' current workforce priorities and funding outlooks for their workforce system.

In addition to the six-state panel, the conference will feature Ron Painter, executive director of the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB), Bridget Brown, executive director of NAWDP, 15 workshops with presenters from across the country and product and service vendors.

"This conference provides workforce development pro-fessionals with the knowledge and tools needed to manage funding issues, think and act like entrepreneurs and maintain a positive and proactive attitude," said Keith M. Hensley, chair of the NAWDP, headquartered in Washington, DC, and executive director of workforce and economic development at Holyoke Community College (HCC). "Our goal is to help our struggling workforce and employer communities, and make the best of challenging times and circumstances."

Open to all those involved with workforce development, the conference is co-sponsored by HCC and NAWDP. Attendees will receive a one-year NAWDP membership or membership renewal as part of their $129 conference fee.

Space is limited to 300. For more information, go to

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