STCC offers water treatment training class

Date: 11/8/2010

SPRINGFIELD -- According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employment of water and liquid waste treatment plant and system operators is expected to grow by 20 percent in the next 10 years, much faster than the average for all occupations, with annual salaries averaging over $40,000. The Center for Business and Technology (CBT) will conduct a 15-hour drinking water operator training program that will provide participants with:
  • Basic drinking water information including: introduction to public water systems; basic water science; water treatment systems; distribution systems; sampling and laboratory analysis.

  • An understanding of the many professional employment oppor tunities that are available in the drinking water environmental field.

  • Preparation for the Massachusetts Drinking Water Operator VSS, Grade 1T (Treatment) and Grade 1D (Distribution) exams.

Program participants may also be eligible to take part in a paid internship program at participating public water systems. Space is limited and early enrollment is strongly recommended.

Applications for this program are now being accepted and, because there are a very limited number of seats available, early enrollment is strongly recommended. Interested individuals should go to or call CBT at 755-4225 or 755-4501 to enroll.