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What Shall We Give The Children?

Date: 12/10/2007

What shall we give the children?

The holidays are here.

Toys and games and playthings,

As we do every year?

Yes, for the magic of toy land

Is part of the Yuletide lore

To gladden the heart of childhood,

But I shall give something more.

I shall give them patience,

A more sympathetic ear,

A little more time for laughter,

Or tenderly dry a tear.

I shall take time to teach them

The joy of doing some task.

I'll try to find time to answer

More of the questions they ask.

Time to read books together,

And take long walks in the sun.

Time for a bedtime story,

After the day is done.

I shall give these to my children,

Weaving a closer tie,

Knitting our lives together

With gifts that money can't buy.


Chris & Dan,

Considerate Co-Publishers

P.S. Happy Holidays to all our readers, advertisers & employees