Best Damn Sandwich: West Springfield Lions Club and The Ultimate BBQ delightsDate: 9/18/2019 WEST SPRINGFIELD – If you’ve been reading Reminder newspapers for a while, you know that we are big fans of sandwiches. And if you aren’t a longtime reader, well, welcome to our Best Damn Sandwich column.
Every year the Reminder Publishing staff spends one day at The Big E. On opening day we trekked out to the fairgrounds and walked around in search of the Best Damn Big E Sandwich.
As we meandered through the crowd reading signs, Staff Writer Danielle Eaton and I were being picky. We walked around the streets of the Big E in hopes of trying something unique and a bit unconventional – and we found it.
Behold: the s’mores burger.
The West Springfield Lions Club’s S’mores Burger
Now, generally we don’t review burgers in the Best Damn Sandwich column, however we are asking our readers to let us expand our sandwich search this week for the sake of the Big E. After all, our one main test as to whether something is considered a sandwich is if it has two separate pieces of bread or bun-like structures that hold the sandwich together. Going by this test, the s’mores burger passes and therefore, is being considered for our column.
The West Springfield Lions Club has a building at The Big E where they serve various burgers, appetizers, beer and ice cream. When we took a peek at the menu – both Eaton and I saw the s’mores burger.
Feeling a little daring and in the mood for sweets, we asked a gentleman behind the counter what was on the burger. He explained it was a bacon cheeseburger with chocolate, marshmallow and graham cracker on a bulkie roll. He then stated that he’d “love to see someone try it,” and, buttering us up, told us he would give us free ice cream if we were the first of the fair season to brave the burger.
And brave the burger we did.
The s’mores burger was not a substantial sandwich in size; it proved to be much thinner in height than other burgers served at The Big E. I point this out, as generally, most food items served at The Big E are oversized.
On the bulkie roll sat a cheeseburger topped with bacon, chocolate sauce and marshmallow fluff. I will note that though the gentleman that we spoke with stated there were graham crackers on the burger, I didn’t taste them as I ate my half of the sandwich.
As Eaton ate hers, she explained that both the burger and bacon were flavorful enough to cut a lot of the sweetness of the chocolate syrup and marshmallows. I agreed. We were both expecting the burger to be overwhelmingly sugary, however it wasn’t too sweet to eat.
Though usually I don’t try out most of the obscure foods served at The Big E, I was happy to have stepped out of my comfort zone with the West Springfield Lions Club. For anyone who has a sweet tooth and loves a good burger – take a trip down to the West Springfield Lions Club’s building for a s’mores burger. Tell them The Reminder sent you!
The West Springfield Lions Club’s Flatliner
In 2017, the West Springfield Lions Club introduced arguably one of The Big E’s most well-known foods: The Flatliner.
The Flatliner is a double cheeseburger with bacon, chili, cheese sauce, and fries. It’s essentially a whole meal (or more than a whole meal) on one burger. Reminder Publishing Staff Writer Sarah Heinonen braved the Flatliner on opening day. She stated, “Those with small mouths need not apply.”
She noted that each of the ingredients were delicious. “The burgers were of a good quality for fair food and the chili was meaty and hearty and went perfectly with the cheese sauce. Anyone who is a fan of chili cheese fries will appreciate this burger,” Heinonen said.
Though she did enjoy the burger, she noted that it was the messiest burger she has ever had. Bring plenty of napkins!
The Ultimate BBQ’s Pulled Pork Sandwich
Finally, for our last Big E Best Damn Sandwich, I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about a longtime favorite of mine. Located in the food court is The Ultimate BBQ. As the name would suggest, The Ultimate BBQ is host to “The Ultimate BBQ Pulled Pork and Pulled Chicken Sandwich.”
Nearly every year when I go to The Big E I get a plain-jane pulled pork sandwich from The Ultimate BBQ. The pulled pork is saucy, sweet and served generously on a bulkie roll. After walking around The Big E for hours, this was a welcome meal to tide me over.
Not only does The Ultimate BBQ serve plain pulled pork sandwiches, their “On A Roll” pulled pork or pulled chicken sandwich is topped with cheese and coleslaw. For $3 more, mac and cheese can also be added to the sandwich. The business features homemade mac and cheese including a mac and cheese that is topped with pulled pork and one topped with pulled chicken. They also sell what they call “3 Pigs on a Bun,” which is Italian sausage topped with pulled pork and bacon on a six-inch roll. In addition, for those who are gluten free, they serve “Just The Meat” which is pulled pork in a bowl topped with cheese and coleslaw.
I highly recommend The Ultimate BBQ if you’re feeling a traditional barbecued meal, or heading over to support the West Springfield Lions Club for a Flatliner or a s’mores burger if you’re feeling more adventurous.
Stay tuned for next week’s Best Damn Big E Sandwich.