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Baystate hails heart month with lectures

SPRINGFIELD Baystate Medical Center will hold "Looking at Your Heart: What's Hot and What's Not," the first in a series of four free Heart Health lectures in honor of American Heart Month, on Feb. 4.

Dr. George Hartnell, chief of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, Baystate Medical Center, will present the first free seminar from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at Baystate Health's Education Center at 361 Whitney Ave. in Holyoke.

The Heart Health Lecture Series, presented by Baystate Heart and Vascular Services, will focus on presentations designed to assist participants in learning how they can maintain or improve their heart's health.

The free lectures will continue with "Treatment Advances for Heart Rhythm Disturbances," on Feb. 11, featuring Dr. James Cook, ; "Optimizing Cardiovascular Health: What You Need to Know in 2007," on Feb. 18, featuring Dr. Satyendra Giri,; and "Latest Advances in Cardiac Surgery" on Feb. 25, featuring Dr. John Rousou.

Registration is required for each session by calling The Professionals at 794-2255 or outside the Springfield calling area at 1-800-377-HEALTH.

In addition, Baystate offers full HDL/LDL cholesterol screenings on the 1st and 2nd Wednesdays of each month at 3300 Main St. in Springfield. To register, call The Professionals at 794-2255 or outside the Springfield calling area at 1-800-377-HEALTH.