Date: 4/27/2015
WALTHAM – Ronald I. Gross, M.D., of Baystate Medical Center has been honored by his peers of the Hampden District Medical Society as the district’s 2015 Community Clinician of the Year, an award recognizing his professionalism and contributions as a physician.
He will receive the award at the District Society’s Annual Meeting, April 28 at the Delaney House Restaurant in Holyoke.
The Community Clinician of the Year Award was established in 1998 by the Massachusetts Medical Society to recognize a physician from each of the Society’s 20 district medical societies who has made significant contributions to his or her patients and the community. The Hampden District has more than 1,100 physician members who live and work throughout Hampden County.
Board certified in surgery and a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, Gross is chief of the Division of Trauma, Acute Care Surgery and Surgical Critical Care at Baystate Medical Center, as position he has held since 2008. He is also an Associate Professor of Surgery at Tufts University School of Medicine.
Active far beyond his responsibilities at Baystate in sharing his medical knowledge, Gross participates in the Mentorship Program of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), chairs the ACS Advanced Trauma Operative Management Program and the ACS Health Policy and Advocacy Committee for Region I, and is a member of the Massachusetts State Trauma Committee, the ACS Massachusetts State Committee on Trauma, the ACS National Committee on Trauma, and a former member of the Northeast Region Trauma Specialty Team of the National Disaster Medical System. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association for Biomedical Research.
A graduate of Lake Forest College with a Bachelor in Arts in biology, Gross earned his M.D. from the New York University School of Medicine. Prior to joining Baystate Medical Center in 2008, he held a number of positions as a trauma surgeon at Hartford Hospital, Bridgeport Hospital, and Norwalk Hospital and as a professor at the University of Connecticut Health Center School of Medicine and Yale University School of Medicine.
Gross has been named seven times as one of America’s Top Trauma Surgeons by the Consumer’s Research Council of America and one of the 100 Top Doctors in Connecticut by Connecticut Magazine. He is a widely published author on many aspects of surgery and a reviewer for the World Journal of Surgery and the Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care.
A veteran of the United States Army Reserve Medical Corps attaining the rank of colonel, Gross saw service in Iraq in 2003 as a deputy commander of a surgical team. In his 14 years of military service, he received a number of honors and citations including the Army Commendation Medal and Army Achievement Medal, both with Oak-Leaf Cluster, and the Order of Military Medical Merit.
Gross resides in East Haddam, CT.