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Free bereavement support groups

Offered this Fall

Home & Community Health Services (H&CHS) Hospice Program, Johnson Health Network's Visiting Nurse and Hospice Agency, is offering Bereavement Support groups this fall at the following times and locations:

The Enfield Senior Center, 299 Elm Street, Enfield beginning every Wednesday evening starting September 27, 2006 through November 15, 2006; from 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m.

Bereavement Support Group will begin meeting in East Windsor at the Senior Center, 125 Main Street, Broad Brook. This group will meet on Monday afternoons beginning September 9, 2006 through November 6, 2006 from 12:30 p.m. 2 p.m.

Highly Skilled and trained members of H&CHS' Hospice Program facilitate these Bereavement Support Groups free to the community. These support groups are geared and intended towards those who have recently experienced the loss of a loved one during this past year, but they are not exclusive on that basis alone.

There is no fee to attend these Bereavement Support Group meetings, but pre-registration is required. For more information and to pre-register, please call H&CHS's Bereavement Coordinator Eileen Drumm at (860) 763-7600.