Go Red nominations due Oct. 10
Date: 10/10/2014
SPRINGFIELD – The American Heart Association is holding a search to find woman who are inspirational, heart healthy role models to become one the 2015 Go Red Leading Ladies of Western Massachusetts.
Nominations are now being accepted through Oct. 10 and are open to women of all ages.
Cardiovascular disease claims the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year, yet many women still do not know their risks and consider it to be an older man’s disease.
To dispel the myths and raise awareness of heart disease, the AHA created Go Red For Women.
The Go Red For Women movement raises awareness of heart disease and empowers women to reduce their risk by learning the steps to prevent it.
“We are looking for women who take the time to be active, eat healthy and maintain a positive attitude to be part of this poster campaign”, American Heart Association Communications Director Mary Ann Burns said. “The women selected will help to create awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women. By sharing this message, women may make positive changes in their lives that can make a difference tomorrow.”
Women chosen for the 2015 campaign will participate in a professional photo shoot and will be featured on a poster display that will travel throughout western Massachusetts bringing attention to the leading cause of death in women – heart disease. Throughout the year, many of the Leading Ladies will also raise awareness of women’s heart health by attending or volunteering at local Go Red For Women events.
Nomination forms can be found by visiting
mix931.com or by calling the American Heart Association at 335-9044.
Heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases kill more women each year than the next five causes of death combined, including breast cancer.
Go to
goredforwomen.org for more information on the Go Red For Women movement, tips for healthy living, to sign up for Go Red, healthy recipes and more.