(ARA) Thank a plant today. Silent and always "working," these green heroes toil tirelessly to purify our environment and improve our lives, naturally cleansing the very air we breathe. And since most of us spend 90 percent of our lives inside, pay special attention to your indoor plants. They provide truly amazing health benefits. Working 24/7, they filter the very air we breathe from common pollutants and continuously release oxygen and moisture in our homes and offices. Former NASA research scientist Dr. Bill Wolverton, author of "How to Grow Fresh Air" says, "Houseplants perform these essential functions with the same efficiency as the rainforest in our biosphere." To maximize the health benefits and freshen the air in your home or office, he recommends at least one houseplant for every 100 square feet. When selecting the perfect indoor plant for that perfect spot, consider the plant's "job." Does it work the day or night shift? Is it for the home or office? Read on for expert tips on which "green heroes" will work best for you. Green Is in the Air! Our modern lives depend on technology, but ordinary products like paints, tobacco smoke, printer inks and even carpets hold hidden dangers that plants can help reduce. According to Wolverton, plants improve air quality through their natural "filtering" ability. He discovered houseplants absorb up to 87 percent of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), like ammonia, formaldehyde and benzene, found in many homes and offices. And certain indoor plants "clean" the air every 24 hours! How? They absorb toxins into the root zone where they're turned into nutrients. Some tropical plants actually suppress airborne mold. These green heroes just keep doing what comes naturally. Some of the hardest working plants are peace lilies, ferns, palms, and spider plants. Bring a Plant to Work Put a plant on your desk and feel happier, enjoy better health and be more productive. The NASA study recommends office workers should have at least one plant in their "personal breathing space" where most of the work is done to effectively remove indoor pollutants. Snake plants, broad sword ferns and rubber plants are among the top 10 air purifiers recommended by experts. They're easy to grow, are natural humidifiers and remove airborne chemicals. Other green heroes are chrysanthemums, Gerbera daisies and spider plants. Location, Location, Location! Consider the light, humidity, and temperature of your indoor spaces to determine the best choices for your home. Put a Majesty Palm in your living room, fern in the family room and a spathiphyllum plant in the kitchen. For more information on the benefits of houseplants, and help finding the perfect indoor plant for your home or office, visit www.costafarms.com. Courtesy of ARAcontent |