To educate sun worshippers of all ages regarding sun protection and the correct use of sunscreens, Connecticut River Valley Dermatology and Baystate Reference Laboratories will sponsor a free melanoma seminar on June 4 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Baystate Health Education Center on 361 Whitney Ave. in Holyoke. Entitled "Do you want the good news or the bad news first regarding sun protection?" the free event will provide the public with updates, truths and myths regarding sun protection and the correct use of sunscreens. Information will also be provided on the different types of skin cancers and the warning signs for early detection. Among those presenting during the special seminar will be Dr. Jean Henneberry, a dermatopathologist with Baystate Reference Laboratories; Darlene Haviland, PA-C, Connecticut River Valley Dermatology; JoAnn Slosek RN, CHPN, Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice; and Joanne Roy, founder, Sailing for Success, melanoma education, support and research. Refreshments will be provided. No pre-registration is necessary. |