HEALTHY NEW YEAR SAMPLERS Heartsong Yoga kicks off it's 2006 schedule with some free community classes. Intro to Mindfulness Meditation, January 10, 7:30 PM. Intros to Yoga, Wednesday, January 11, 6:00 Power Yoga and 7:30 Kripalu "Gentle" Yoga. A brand new class is being introduced on January 15, at 3 PM, "Yoga for Round Bodies", especially designed for those who may feelout of shape or nervous about starting a yoga practice. Call 413-525-0720 for information. OPTIFAST INFORMATION PROGRAM The Comprehensive Weight Management Program at Mercy Medical Center, 233 Carew St. in Springfield, is offring a free information session on the OPTIFAST program on Jan. 10 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The one-hour info session will provide a basic overview of the OPTIFAST program. The class is free of charge. For more info, contact Maggie Smith at 748-6910. MALL WALKERS PROGRAM Baystate Visiting Nurse Assoc. and Hospice will sponsor the Mall Walkers program at Eastfield Mall on January 4 at 9 a.m. An expert member of the hospice team from Baystate Visiting Nurse Assoc. & Hospice will discuss "Winter Blues." This will be a thought provoking, but comforting, discussion about the reasons for feeling sad. FREE blood pressure screening will also be available after the presentation. Please join us at Eastfield Mall in the International Food Court for this free program. Coffee will be served. For more info, contact Eastfield Mall at 543-8000 or visit our website at URGENT CALL The Blood Bank at Mercy Medical Center has issued an urgent call for universal donors with type "O-Positive" blood. "The current supply of 'O-Positive' is critically low, even though this is the most common type of blood. Between 40 and 45 per cent of the population is 'O-Positive', said Carol Gaines, Marketing Coordinator for the Blood Donor Program at Mercy. Walk-ins are welcome at the Mercy Medical Center Blood Bank. Please call 748-9511 for more information. |