BLOOD DRIVE Health South, together with the American Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive on June 8 from noon-6 p.m. at the Health South cafeteria, located at 14 Chestnut Place. Each presenting donor will be entered into a drawing for a pair of "Blood Donor of the Game" Red Sox tickets. Each donor will also receive a coupon for buy one/get one free admission to Six Flags New England, good for up to eight people. Donors must be at least 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in generally good health (most medications are ok), and not have donated blood in the last 56 days. For more info or to schedule an appt, call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (1-800-448-3533) or log onto NEEDS YOUR HELP Do you have a few hours a month to help a disabled woman in your area? You can help a local woman by becoming a Stavros volunteer surrogate. Stavros Center for Independent Living is seeking a volunteer to assist a disabled woman with management tasks including timesheets and payments to PCA workers. Stavros provides training and a mileage stipend. Stavros provides many services for people who have disabling conditions due to aging, injury, chronic illness or psychological impairments. Stavros offices are located in Amherst, Springfield and Greenfield. For more info call Sandy Miliefsky at 800-804-1899, X234. PARKINSON'S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP On the second Monday of each month, a support group, for caregivers and those coping with the disease themselves, will meet at the Wilbraham Senior Center on Boston Rd. (Rte 20) at 1 p.m. No registration is required. If you have questions, call Joyce at 413-323-4274. |