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Longmeadow issues Zika advisory

Date: 7/22/2016

LONGMEADOW – It is not expected that residents of this part of the country will have exposure here to mosquitos carrying the Zika Virus.

If you travel this summer to Florida, other Southern States (including Texas), the Caribbean or to Central of South American and experience flu-like symptoms possibly with a rash or muscle weakness upon your return, you are recommended to contact your health care provider.

There is assumed to be the potential for West Nile and other mosquito-borne viral illnesses in this area.

The best ways to protect yourself are:
• Apply insect repellent to any exposed skin and permethrin to clothing when you are out of doors.
• Avoid outdoor activities at the times of day when the mosquitos carrying these diseases are most active, especially in the early morning hours and beginning at dusk in the evening. If you do venture outside, if possible, wear long sleeves, socks, and long pants
• Remove any sources of water around the home such as empty containers and barrels. Clean out bird baths twice/week. Clear blocked gutter.  Remove tires from outdoor area where they may trap rain water; keep swimming pool circulation/sanitizer systems running continuously.
• Repair holes in screens.

The Longmeadow Board of Health will update the public as mosquito surveillance information becomes available during the remainder of the summer and early fall.