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Longmeadow reminds residents to keep vaccinations up to date

Date: 11/14/2014

LONGMEADOW – Just as many folks take in their cars to the service station for a pre-winter check-up, now  is the time to evaluate whether you are  “up to date” with your immunizations.

Flu Shot

If you have not received a flu shot this year, please make an appointment with Carol Steiner, R.N., town nurse, 565-4154, as soon as conveniently possible. Although an appointment is  recommended, you can also stop  in the health room at the Greenwood Center 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. without an appointment and will be seen by Steiner if she is in the office and  does not have a conflicting obligation. Steiner will continue administering shots through February or until the supply is exhausted .

Most residents do not have an out-of-pocket co-pay; however, insurance information is needed from your insurance card for reimbursement from your insurance company.

Pneumonia Shot

If you are 64 years or older and have never received a pneumonia shot or if you received a pneumonia shot prior to age 65 and it has been at least five years since that shot, you are  now due for a pneumonia shot.This vaccine is in-stock at the Health Office year-round.

There is also no co-pay, but  please do bring in your insurance cards on the day of your shot.

Tetenus, Diptheria, and Pertussis (whooping cough) Shot

This newer vaccine is now recommended  for all adults, but is particularly recommended for individuals who are expectant or new grandparents or caregivers of infants.  This shot is given only once during the adult years.

There is a charge of $6 for individuals with Medicare or Medicare Advantage programs. This is a particularly low charge compared to other options in the community. Individuals under age sixty-five usually have this vaccination included in their health insurance coverage and will be administered this shot with no co-pay.

The Board of Health periodically receives other recommended vaccines which we make available at very low cost as a service to our residents.  We will advertise their availability as soon as the shipment is received.

Should you have any questions regarding this issue, call Steiner directly.