Marconics helps spiritual healing
Date: 2/5/2015
By Lori Szepelak
WESTFIELD – Energy healer and spiritual teacher Lisa Wilson had an “awakening” earlier this year that forever changed how she views the universal force that surrounds us.
“I was called,” she said during an interview with Reminder Publications.
Wilson explained that a new frequency of transformative energy called Marconics will one day revolutionize the way we look at our life’s path.
“In Marconics we connect to a consortium of celestial beings including but not limited to angels, archangels, and ascended masters,” she said.
Wilson has been an energy healer and spiritual teacher since 2002. She noted that she had been working with a new healing energy source at the end of 2013 and developed it into a new energy modality. Earlier this year she left her private practice in Springfield after meeting, interning with, and partnering with Marconics originator, Alison David Bird, integrating her modality into Marconics as the level three treatment.
“After being an energy healer for 12 years I can say without a doubt it is the strongest energy I have ever experienced,” she said, adding, “Alison and Marconics have profoundly changed my life.”
Wilson explained that her business partner, Bird, a former British medical journalist, accepted her role as an energy healer in 2008. Bird is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in past life and in between life hypnosis and is a teacher of Spiritual Alchemy and Metaphysics. Bird resides on Martha’s Vineyard.
In 2013 Bird was “bestowed” with Marconic energy, for which she has been custodian over many lifetimes, according to Wilson.
“Alison describes Marconics as a new multi-dimensional energy system heralded as the vehicle of Ascension and the evolution of energy healing,” said Wilson. “As we move into the higher light frequencies of the New Age, many are struggling to assimilate these frequencies.”
Wilson added that physical, mental, and emotional conditions manifest in the body as we struggle to raise our vibrations.
“We are teaching individuals how to raise their energetic signature and support the shifting energy for themselves and those around them,” she said.
Those seeking to experience Marconics have several options, according to Wilson.
“Clients who have received a ‘no-touch’ session as an ongoing therapeutic treatment have reported experiencing an alignment with their higher aspects of self and in the moment have awakened their innate ability to experience a spontaneous healing on all levels,” said Wilson.
Clients who have been recipients of Marconic “Recalibrations” have noted feeling intense shifts in their own personal energy as they are able to let go of limiting patterns, emotions and beliefs that keep them from stepping forward in their lives, added Wilson. A Marconic Recalibration is a one-time, two-day energetic procedure that retunes the individual’s physical body and energy field to assimilate higher light frequencies in a permanent attunement to source energy.
Also, individual private sessions can be scheduled at any of the events the team attends.
The new level three treatment, known as the ‘I AM merge,’ facilitates communion between the individual and their spiritual connections.
“The ‘I AM merge’ is the work that was gifted to me and channeled through me by the archangels Sandalphon and Metatron,” said Wilson. “It is about creating an alignment between the individual and their aspects of higher self so they can merge as one. This is about the individual being so in tune with who they are at their highest level they are experiencing what we would call heaven on earth.”
Wilson noted that a person not being a vibrational match to the energy in their own field is why there are so many who are depressed, fatigued, sick, anxious, out of alignment with their life, disconnected from spirit, experiencing physical illness like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and some autoimmune disorders.
“Marconics helps people drop the density out of their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies by raising their energetic signature so they can thrive in the new energy,” she said.
Wilson and Bird are also conducting training events for practitioners throughout 2015 across the country, including a level one training session May 15 to 17 at Suffield Massage, Suffield, CT.
“The training events are exciting, educational, and fun,” said Wilson. “Participants are at varying levels of exposure to energy work; some are in private practices, some are just stepping onto a new path.”
An opportunity to experience mini 15-minute energy sessions are planned during several area events in the coming weeks, including March 28 and 29 at the Greater Vernon Holistic Healthfest in Vernon, Conn., and on April 25 at A Healing Spirit Expo in Northampton.
“Together Alison and I are combining our expertise and embracing our mission to help awaken and educate as many as are ready to step into their life path and the New Age,” said Wilson.
Their book, “Marconics: The Clarion Call” is due out in early 2015.
For more information, visit or contact Wilson at 977-6837, or via email to