Mass. autism waiver apps available online
Date: 9/27/2010
BOSTON -- State Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. has announced applications for the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services' Children's Autism Waiver Program are now available online and in his district office.
The renewal waiver program will continue to serve children from birth through the age of eight with an autism spectrum disorder through a service called Expanded Habitation, Education.
The waiver will provide intensive in-home services and supports as well as related support services including community integration activities and respite. Children must meet the program's financial and clinical eligibility requirements.
A new feature has been added to the program which provides reserved capacity for children who are three years old and transitioning out of early intervention programs.
The current three-year model program, Children's Autism Home and Community-based Services Waiver program which began in 2007, will end on Sept. 30.
The new Renewal Autism Waiver program will replace this program beginning on Oct. 1. Applications are due between Sept. 20 and Oct. 1.
Further details and applications can be found at or stop by Rep. Puppolo's district office at 2341 Boston Rd., Wilbraham, 596-433.
Applications will also be available at Community Resources for People with Autism, 116 Pleasant St., Easthampton, 529-2428.