Moriarty named new president of Hampden District Medical Society
Date: 7/11/2011
GREATER SPRINGFIELD Dr. Kevin P. Moriarty, chief of Baystate Medical Center Pediatric Surgery, medical director of Pediatric Trauma and Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery, Tufts University School of Medicine, was recently named president of the Hampden District Medical Society at its annual meeting on May 3 at the Springfield Country Club.
Moriarty is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He has written more than 75 publications and 104 Invited Contributions/National and International Presentations.
In 2007, he co-organized with Judge Dan Swords, Gifts for Guns a Gun Buy Back Program and in 2010 volunteered his time to the Haiti Earthquake Relief, CRUDEM, Hospital Sacre’ Coeur, Milot, Haiti.
Moriarty has been honored by Baystate Medical Center/Tufts University School of Medicine for the Golden Apple, Excellence in Excellence Teaching Awards.
Moriarty is a member of many National and Local hospital Committees and Boards. He has been a member of Hampden District Medical Society since 1992 and serves as a Delegate representing the Society at the MMS, House of Delegates and is a member of the Medico-Legal Committee. While attending medical school, Moriarty was a recipient of the HDMS, Medical School Scholarship and the Dr. Max & Ida Millman Medical School Scholarship. He now serves as co-trustee of the Fund.
Moriarty resides in Wilbraham and enjoys golf, skiing and traveling, with his wife Grace Gomes-Moriarty his son, Tyler and daughter Gabrielle as well as attending their many extracurricular events.
Other Officer’s installed at the society’s recent annual meeting are: President-elect, Dr. Teresa Klich-Nowak, a rheumatologist at Internal Medical Associates in Northampton; Vice President, Dr. Francis Cannizio, surgeon at Baystate Medical Center; and Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Mark J. Mullan, an internist at Cardiology & Internal Medicine in Springfield.
The following awards were also issued at the meeting:
- 50-Year Member Award Dr. James G. Fitzpatrick, a retired Ob/Gyn; Dr. Bernard N. Gotlib, a retired ENT; and Roland F. Stebbins, a retired pediatrician.
- 2011 Community Clinician of the Year Award Dr. Anne Nugent, pediatrician at Holyoke Health Center.
The award was established in 1998 by the Massachusetts Medical Society to recognize a physician from each of the society’s 20 district medical societies who has made significant contributions to his or her patients and their community.
With deep dedication, warmth, concern and energy, Nugent has cared for some of the neediest children not only in New England but, has volunteered in the remote mountainous areas of Ecuador and Peru.
The society is accepting nominations for the 2012 Community Clinician of the Year. Please send all nominations to, Suzanne Skibinski, 1111 Elm St., Suite 22, West Springfield, MA 01089-1540.
The following medical school students were awarded a $2000 scholarship from the Dr. Max & Ida Millman Foundation Medical School Scholarship Fund: Garret M. Fidalgo a senior, at the University of Vermont College of Medicine; Jessica A. Zina, a sophomore and, Scott C. Pascall, a freshman at the University of Massachusetts Medical School
The scholarship/loan is given at 0 percent interest and must be repaid after residency and specialty training is completed and the physician has been in practice for three years. The scholarship/loan is available to freshman, sophomore, junior and seniors medical school students.
The applicant’s family must be a resident of Hampden County and attending an accredited medical school. Due to the cost of the high burden of medical school debt, the Dr. Max & Ida Millman Foundation Scholarship Fund has a loan program providing relief of paying back the scholarship/loan. The relief only applies when upon completion of medical studies, the recipient returns to Western Massachusetts to practice medicine for one year.
To receive an application, please contact Suzanne Skibinski, 1111 Elm St., Suite 22, West Springfield, MA 01089 or call 736-0661 or e-mail, Applications must be returned by Sept. 15.