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NAMI hosts speaker on jail diversion and mental illness

Date: 2/2/2009

The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Western Massachusetts with support from Eli Lilly will host national speaker Leon Evans, President/Chief Executive Office the Center for Health Care Services, San Antonio, Texas, on Feb. 4 from 10 a.m. to noon at Westfield State College Banquet Hall. Evans is a national speaker on the subject of Jail Diversion and Mental Illness and is a member of the NAMI Texas Board of Directors.

According to Gail Wilson-Giarratano, NAMI-WM Executive Director, NAMI families know that mentally ill individuals pass through the criminal justice system at an alarming rate. The conditions for those inside can be poor, the transition back to the community extremely difficult and unfortunately are often found back in jail.

The program featuring Evans is free, and although it is specifically designed for those working in the field of mental health, court system and law enforcement the public is welcome to attend. To register contact Thelma Maczka at 786-9139.