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Pioneer Valley Red Cross launches Facebook and Twitter pages

Date: 4/19/2010

GREATER SPRINGFIELD As part of its mission to help residents prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies, the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter is reaching out via Facebook and Twitter. Residents can visit the chapter on Facebook at and on Twitter at

The pages feature information on emergency preparedness, chapter fundraisers and events, training classes, photos and when possible, real time updates on fires and emergencies. An April 7 Facebook post featured pictures of Red Cross Pioneer Valley staff and volunteers providing assistance to victims of the recent floods in Central Massachusetts. The pages will also serve as means to deliver critical information to chapter volunteers.

"We are very excited about the Twitter and Facebook pages," Dawn Leaks, Red Cross Pioneer Valley assistant director of chapter support, said. "They allow us to interact with the public in a way that wasn't possible before. Our fans and followers are responsive to our posts and appreciate the information we share."

For more information contact Dawn Leaks at 233-1006 or