Womanshelter/Companeras will sponsor their Fifth Annual Charity Pool Tournament on Sept. 13 at Maximum Capacity in Chicopee. This event has been popular with pool players from around the Pioneer Valley as well as southern Vermont and Connecticut. Proceeds will benefit Womanshelter/Companeras' emergency shelter for battered women and children. Registration begins at 11 a.m. and the fee is $20 per person. The single player tournament begins at noon and APA rules apply. Womanshelter/Companeras hopes to raise $1,500 to help with heating costs for the shelter, which houses nine families for stays up to three months. With fuel costs so high and subzero temperatures expected this winter, it will be challenging to keep families both safe and warm, according to Board President Brenda Bak, who also coordinates the tournament. "Participants in the last four tourneys have been really thrilled with the event, and appreciate the fact that something they love to do is helping others at the same time," Bak said. The winner receives a cash prize, and there are raffles throughout the day, with many items appealing to billiards enthusiasts. Maximum Capacity, which is donating table time in support of the event, is located at 116 School St. in Chicopee. Please call 538-9717 for more information. |