Last week was procrastination awareness week. Overcoming procrastination can revolutionize the lives of those bedeviled by this highly change-resistant and complex problem habit. Any week is as good as any other to start a change. However, National Procrastination Week can give some an extra-incentive to start to overcome the most common of self-defeating human habits. Practically everyone procrastinates from time to time, and sometimes to great disadvantage. The personal costs of procrastination can be quite serious and are impossible to calculate. Most people can learn to better take charge of their lives by defeating self-injurious procrastination behaviors, by learning how to do this, and the importance of doing so now. The question is, how? People can apply procrastination technology for people to make and sustain major and necessary lifestyle changes, or overcome their health procrastination impulses. People who lose weight typically gain it back. Most exercise plans are "exercises" in good intentions without follow through. Indeed, 70 percent of people with glaucoma, who are told they could lose their vision if they don't take certain eye drops, procrastinate on taking the eye drops because it is uncomfortable and inconvenient. Most say that they'll get to it later, and this is the classic excuse that accompanies most forms of procrastination. Depression alone costs corporations $85 billion a year. Applying procrastination technology to depression promises a reduction in this grave disability and lower healthcare costs. Depression can be prevented, but as a nation we procrastinate on implementing depression prevention programs that actually work. It's just good business to take advantage of procrastination technology and apply it to health care and productivity matters. But most Corporations, and "procrastination experts," have no clue as to how to do this. A series of realistic, experienced-based statements can point the way to how to make and sustain meaningful changes. ~ Submitted by Dr. Bill Knaus |