State Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo Jr. (D-Springfield) is pleased to announce that a Senior Benefit Expo will take place in Springfield at the Greenleaf Community Center located at 1188 Parker St. on Oct. 9 from 9 a.m. until noon. This is part of a state-wide series that will focus on making seniors aware and helping them with programs and valuable benefits such as fuel assistance, nutrition, property tax relief, prescription advantage, health care options, transportation services, housing programs and initiatives for veterans and disabled persons. The Expo will be put on by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, the Department of Transitional Assistance, Department of Veteran's Services, the Department of Public Health and the Department of Housing and Community Development. Puppolo has been working closely with Elder Affairs Secretary Micheal E. Festa on issues relating to seniors and this is a critical part in getting helpful information out. "This Expo is a great venue for our seniors to have a one-stop opportunity to learn about, enroll, participate and receive benefits they are rightfully entitled to," Puppolo stated. "I commend my former House colleague, Secretary Festa, on this initiative and proactive outreach that he and the Elder Affairs Office continues to do, I look forward to our continued partnership on issues that are critically important to our seniors," he added. |