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STCC hosts health fair

STCC will host annual health fair on April 26

SPRINGFIELD Greater Springfield residents are invited to learn more about important issues from risk assessments for diabetes, to asthma, massages for stress reduction, guidelines for tattooing and body piercing, child safety, sexual health, and more at the 9th annual community Health Fair on April 26 at Springfield Technical Community College.

This free health information fair will be held from 9:00 to 3:00 in the Scibelli Hall gymnasium at STCC. The fair is organized by senior students in the STCC department of Nursing. There are raffle prizes, door prizes, and give-aways.

Some of the different booths are:

Eating disorders: Lynn Discala of The Sopranos will be the guest speaker, representing the National Eating Disorder Association; jewelry raffle.

Adolescent health: A teen "bar" will be used to show how much one drink actually measures.

Interpersonal violence: McGruff the dog will be available for photos from 10 a.m. to noon; information.

Stress reduction: Videos on Tai Chi and yoga; back and shoulder massages from 9:00 to noon; a speaker from STCC's Massage Therapy program at 11 a.m.; raffle.

Asthma: Information on "triggers"; video; game with prizes and raffle.

Diabetes: Risk assessments; raffle.

Women's health group: Video on various topics, raffles.

Child safety: Demonstration of car seat installation at 10:00; helmet and safety pad fitting; give-aways of coloring books and books for reading.

Substance abuse: MADD speaker; Howard Street Jail speaker; beer goggles to experience first-hand some of the effects of substance abuse.

Body enhancement: Information on safe tattooing and piercing; raffle.

Sexual health: STCC Health Services Director Jonathan Miller will speak on sexual health and the college student; a representative from Planned Parenthood will speak on safe sex.

Men's health: Speaker for men's health and fitness; discussion on prostate health and testicular cancer; raffle of mens health goodies.

Smoking cessation: Videos will be shown.

The fair will provide the most up-to-date information on important concerns from cardiovascular health to women's health and pregnancy and much more, with videos, brochures, and discussion on current research.